Are We Enough
Arielle Levine Arielle Levine

Are We Enough

Recently, I saw Hamilton on Broadway. Like many others, I’m obsessed with the soundtrack. I’ve gotten so into it that I now know the tracks word for word. One song on repeat is “That Would Be Enough.” Two lines in Lin-Manuel Miranda’s brilliant lyrics drive a stake into my heart each time I hear them: “Where you decide to stay. And I could be enough.”

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Are you Morpheus or Neo?
Arielle Levine Arielle Levine

Are you Morpheus or Neo?

I watched the original “Matrix” movie over the weekend. At least 10 years have passed since I saw it last. Boy, there’s a lot to like about that movie, an updated, action-packed Plato’s Cave, allegorically lucid and fun at the same time. One early scene that especially resonates is when the agile Morpheus moves effortlessly through throngs of people on a crowded city sidewalk while Neo bumbles along behind him, bumping into everyone he passes, apologizing with every move.

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Hey Lama, how about a little something?
Arielle Levine Arielle Levine

Hey Lama, how about a little something?

A man asked a Tibetan Lama, “My kid is a linebacker for his high school football team. I find myself rooting for him to cream the opposing quarterback. Is there anything wrong with that?”

“Of course not,” replied the Lama. “You love your son. You want his happiness. He’s happy when he beats the other team. This is only natural.” The man smiled and said, “Thank you, Rinpoche. I feel much relieved.”

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What’s Your Offering?
Arielle Levine Arielle Levine

What’s Your Offering?

I often meditate with an old photo of myself at just three days old. I try to read into my ever so new eyes, curious what the message that little child is trying to send my grown-up self. Looking at the photo, I always wonder why did I come here? What is my unique gift to this moment in time in this incarnation? What have I come here to contribute? What is my offering to life?

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Does Money Mean Safety?
Arielle Levine Arielle Levine

Does Money Mean Safety?

During a recent workshop I led, we discussed in small groups our earliest memories around money and how these might impact our ability to talk, live and work in the world of it. One astute participant shared an important “aha moment” that money was deeply associated with safety in her family. She said, “I just realized that instead of simply inviting people to join our cause, I have felt that with each ask I have been asking people for their safety. No wonder it has been so hard!”

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Talking with Gunther Weil
Arielle Levine Arielle Levine

Talking with Gunther Weil

My dear friend Gunther Weil, whom I have quoted in this blog before, is one of my greatest teachers and mentors.  His clear insights into people, values, and the true meaning of life have deeply influenced me and many people I know.

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